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credit Flikr: Teri Lynne Underwood

Time to Change Your New Year’s Resolution

Be honest. Have you crashed and burned your New Year’s Resolution yet? If your answer in no, then good for you! If it is yes, or if you never resolved to change anything in 2017 then you are not alone. Either way, Five Minute Faith has a resolution you can’t refuse.


Upon its creation in 2016, Five Minute Faith crafted its mission statement as a method to draw people to daily prayer. We are all very busy people with millions of things competing for our attention, so we started small. Our goal was to guide people to spend five minutes a day in prayer. For those who already pray daily, it was our goal to ask you to pray five additional minutes each day. Hence our name: FiveMinuteFaith.com.

Again, keeping in mind your intensely busy schedule, we have short Blogs like this one and brief five minute podcasts available on our website and on iTunes, designed with the intention to lead you in reflective thought and prayer for at least five minutes a day.

Why is prayer so important? It is the mechanism that links us directly to our Creator. It’s the easiest way to have a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.

We can express our love for Jesus. We can give Him thanks for dying for our sins. We can tell Him what we think we need. We can feel His comforting presence in times of distress.

It is important to pray at a time and place when you can give quality time to God. Don’t rush through prayer. Did you ever experience a conversation on the phone where you felt like the other person was trying to get off the line? Don’t make God feel that way.

Prayer takes many forms. You can recite a formal prayer like The Lord’s Prayer or an Act of Contrition. Or you can just speak to God like he is in the room with you – because He is! You can give thanks, confess failures, ask for intercessions for others or sit in silence…and listen!

Prayer is like exercise. The more you do it the better you become at it and the easier it is to do. It becomes a habit. Before you know it you’ll be praying all the time!

Here’s another secret: All prayers are answered! Matthew 7:7 says, “Ask and it will be given to you; search and you will find.”

Be prepared, however, that the answer to your prayers may not be the answer you are looking for. Sometimes God answers “No” for our benefit. Sometimes God makes us wait in order to strengthen our faith. But if the answer to our prayers is to our benefit and brings our ultimate salvation, God will answer “Yes.”

What are you waiting for?

Take five minutes and Pray.